Our Services


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Non ferrous scrap   |   Stainless , High Ni scrap   |   A selection of our Products



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Non ferrous scrap



Recycle scrap metals generated from the manufacturing process

or obsolete inventories.
In addition to our industrial customer base: 





    Stainless Steel

    Nickel Alloys












Assist customers in the development and maintenance of comprehensive recycling programs.


After processing, scrap material is marketed for sale to mills, foundries, and specialty consumers.
Zohar S.B.A takes part in dismantling and collecting scrap from sites andhas a large inventory of removal equipment and containers available to customers


The first step of the metal recycling process is identifying the type of metals that reached Sohar's yerda, using state-of-the-art analysis equipment such as Analyzers to determine the exact breakdown of the metals.


The second step of the process is to sort the materials baling and the preparation for shipping assuring all materials are "clean" and consistent for shipping.













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Stainless , High Ni scrap



We constantly purchase all kinds of stainless steel scrap, i.e. practically all kinds of alloyed
scrap that contain nickel, chrome, or molybdenum as their main alloy elements.


This includes all forms, such as new production scrap or obsolete scrap, be it as solids,
turnings, bands, residues, The material requires extremely careful processing. It has to be
precisely sorted and analyzed, and processed.


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A selection of our Products:


    Carbide metal

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   Nickel alloy








   Tool steel




























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